Nothing Less than 100%, Nothing More than 350

Nothing Less than 100%, Nothing More than 350

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sleep-out a Success!

Congratulations everyone on a great sleep-out! Thank you to everyone who organized, spoke, chaperoned, participated in, or had anything to do with the sleep-out. With your help over 30 high school and college students had a fun and safe 17 hours of music, games, food, camping, and of raising environmental awareness!
A special thanks to the speakers Mary Booth, Katie Mcgonagle, Larry Ely, Craig Altemose, and to W T Funk, Luke Plummer, Katie Spurgin, Ryan DeGroot, and Satchel Douglas for providing us with great music. Finally, we would like to thank the Spurgins, Rob Hirschfeld, and the Amherst Police Department for their asistance.
Once again, great job everyone; our sleep-out raised a lot of awareness downtown and WMAHSJSF was featured briefly in the June 22nd issue of the Hampshire Gazette and on ABC 40 on Wednesday the 23rd.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sleep-out Agenda

Sleep-out Agenda

Wednesday, June 23rd
4:00 pm: Sleep-out begins; sign-in and set-up
4:30-5:30: Games
5:30-6:45: Rally and speakers
6:45-7:30: Dinner (pasta, salad, bread, drinks, and dessert potluck)
7:30-8:15: Form groups and decide fall goals
8:15-8:30: Regroup and discuss goals
8:30-11:00: Live music (The Elusive, The Ritmo Boys, and more)
11:00: Goodnight call
All Night: Nightwatch

June 24th
8:00 am: Get breakfast and pack up
8:45: Protest Biomass

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 13th Meeting


Leadership updates

Jess made and distributed pink flyers to hang in ARHS and downtown Amherst
Amanda posted flyers at Frontier
Northamptoners will post flyers soon

-Grace Church is in progress: we need to find out if we can definitely have music there

-Goals for the sleep-out?
Get PVPA students to join, and possibley Hopkins
Get at least 50 people total

-We're working on getting speakers
Larry Ely will likely speak

-Potluck in Grace Church
Drinks, pasta, salads and breads, desserts

-Please bring a personal reusable water bottle

-We'll try to supply biodegradable utensils for dinner

-People will talk to local bands; we want 3(?) bands